I'm a Conversational AI specialist with over 15 years' experience and a background in language tech, conversation design and user experience design.

I've managed phonetic lexicon projects at Appen (leading global provider of AI training data), and I’ve designed IVRs, chatbot and smart speaker applications.

I studied languages and linguistics at university, and I'm also a founding ambassador for Women in Voice Australia & New Zealand.

Headshot of Kathryn


Conversational AI

Conversation design, Chatbot, IVR (Speech & DTMF), Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant, Salesforce Einstein, SSML, NLU training, RegEx, Shell, TTS tuning, Digital audio QA & editing

Experience Design

Affinity mapping, User flows, User journeys, Storytelling, Wireframing, Prototyping, Quantitative &
qualitative user research (usability testing, user interviews, surveys)


When I’m not working, I’m generally outdoors. I love ocean swimming, trail running, snowboarding, splitboarding and many other activities.

Kathryn wearing a wetsuit and posing underwater while ocean swimming
Kathryn mountain-biking
Kathryn trail-running in Kosciuszko National Park